live style

Study on Knowledge Level and Live Style in Patients with Osteoporosis
Teaching needs comprehension and conversation which shows a happy live style between teachers and students .
The asthmatic attack is influenced by several factors , and changes in live style may be related with increased morbidity rate of asthma .
The paper also portrays the roles which were played by the missionaries , unfolds the real ideas about the live style and religious life of Chinese folk .
The disappearance of the Hui nationality community is not only due to the external factors , but also result of its inner factors , such as its own economical live style , the form of its community and the difference in its education way .
The beginning of Blog , has made a mile-stone influence in the history of human communication , and it not only affects the people 's learning , work and live style , but also makes a profound impact to the existing traditional media and communication theory .
She stay in an expensive hotel and really live in style .
Its performance in various forms , not only live performing style , as well as non-live performances , puppet shows , opera and other forms .
If I have a million dollar , I could really live in style . She felt an affinity to all the subtler manifestations of wealth .
An aging princess has got to live in grand style .
Younger children live in family style houses . 6th Formers have student rooms .
What if the prince breaks up with her ? An aging princess has got to live in grand style .
Live in a style that suits your physical and spiritual requirements , and do not waste time keeping up with the Joneses .
If to live in this style is to be eccentric , it must be confessed that there is something good in eccentricity .
We have carriages to fetch and convey her home , and we live in a style which could not make the addition of Jane Fairfax , at any time , the least inconvenient .
In the course people live in a conflicting style of life .
You live it up in style and love it .
But for anyone else who wants to live middle class life style with good long term benefits look scary .
He wants to live up to the style of Louis the Great , Louis XIV .